Message from the Judge
The Ladysmith Municipal Court represents the judicial branch of government and provides a neutral setting for resolving alleged City ordinance violations. Our primary duty is to administer justice in a fair and unbiased manner.
Ladysmith Municipal Court has exclusive jurisdiction over actions involving violation of municipal ordinances under which the penalty is a forfeiture. An ordinance violation is classified as a civil offense, not a criminal offense.
Every person accused of an ordinance violation has certain legal rights and responsibilities. You may be represented by an attorney, although the court does not appoint an attorney for you and the City of Ladysmith does not pay your attorney fees and expenses.
My goal as Judge is to ensure that interests of justice are served while providing an environment that is fair and respectful to all parties.
Judge Steve Anderson
120 West Miner Ave.
P.O. Box 431
Ladysmith, WI 54848