Business Assistance
Business Renovation Program
- Available to commercial properties or properties designated as historic under a local historic preservation ordinance within City limits and within a Halo zone of an active Tax Increment Finance (TID) District
- Assistance provided as a 33% grant, with property/business owner supplying the remaining 67%.
- 50% of the grant may be used for “permanent” interior (electrical, plumbing, flooring, ceiling, etc.)
- Funding can be utilized for permanent interior improvements if exterior improvements are being done through the program. Interior improvements can not be done on their own.
- Up to $30,000 per property ($10,000 per façade visible from street or alley, up to 3).
- Funding provided as a 0% forgivable mortgage over 5 years. If property is sold prior to 5 years, a prorated portion of the funding shall be repaid to the City at closing. Funding prorates at 1-year increments on the anniversary of the execution of the mortgage.
- Eligible “permanent” exterior improvements include, but are not limited to:
- Windows, doors, awnings, signage, siding, exterior lighting, handicap access, flatwork to create a patio or pedestrian area
- Eligible “permanent” interior improvements include, but are not limited to:
- Walls, ceilings, heating, air conditioning, plumbing fixtures, flooring, handicap access, structural upgrades/shoring
- A 1-year lookback period is allowed for matching funds. Lookback is limited to levied special assessments (cannot be used to pay the special assessment), cash paid as a down payment toward the purchase of the property. Previously completed rehabilitation work is only eligible if done during the lookback year.
- If work is being done by the property owner, the cost of the materials shall be counted, but not the property owner’s sweat equity labor.
- Program application will be the same application used for the Main Street Façade Program. This program shall replace the previous Main Street Façade Program.