TIF District #14
TID 14
Type: Mixed Use
Created: 2021
Expenditure Period End: 2036
Termination Date: 2041
The City of Ladysmith, Wisconsin (the “City”) created Tax Incremental District (TID) #14 in 2021 as a mechanism to expand industrial, commercial, and residential development and tax base within the boundaries of TID #14. TID #14 was established as a Mixed-Use District. The City intends to construct a series of public capital improvement projects that will encourage redevelopment and new development, increase the City’s tax base, and create employment opportunities within Ladysmith.
TID #14 has an expenditure period of 15 years (2021-2036) and a maximum life of 20 years (2021-2041). Project costs, activities and improvements planned through TID #14 are, and will be, related to improvements necessary for the objectives of development and redevelopment of commercial, industrial and mixed-uses in this district and to encourage ancillary private investment.
The most recent project plan/amendment for TID 14 can be found below.