TIF District #12
TID 12
Type: Blight
Created: 2020
Expenditure Period End: 2042
Termination Date: 2047
The City of Ladysmith, Wisconsin (the “City”) created Tax Incremental District (TID) #12 in 2020 as a mechanism to facilitate the elimination of blighted property within the boundaries of TID #12. TID #12 was established as a blight elimination District. The City intends to construct a series of public capital improvement projects that will eliminate blight, promote redevelopment, increase tax base and create employment opportunities, to serve as a catalyst for the redevelopment of the former Ladysmith Elementary School.
TID #12 will have an expenditure period of 22 years (2020-2042) and a maximum life of 27 years (2020-2047). TID #12 may be extended three addition years (until 2050), however, expenditures remain limited to the first 22 years of designation (Wis. Stat § 66.1105(7)(am)1, 2, and 3).
The most recent project plan/amendment for TID 12 can be found below.