Staff Directory

The Staff at City of Ladysmith welcomes your questions and we are here to serve you.


Address:  120 W Miner Avenue, P.O. Box 431, Ladysmith, WI 54848

Staff Telephone Numbers and E-mail Addresses:

Administrator: Alan Christianson; 715-532-2653

Clerk: Sara Nelson 715-532-0564

Director of Public Works/Building Inspector: Kurt Gorsegner;  715-532-2603

Director of Public Works Assistant: Doug Parker; 715-532-2654

Municipal Court Clerk: Sara Nelson; 715-532-2613

Treasurer/Comptroller:Tony Devine; 715-532-2651

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer: Danielle Zimmer;  715-532-2655



Fax (715) 532-2620



Please take a look at the sub-sections in the navigation menu for individual contact information for staff members.